The city of Pune is almost a goldmine to me as my daughter Prit, her husband Ravi and their children Aadya (8 years) as well as Udit (3 years) live there. In addition, to someone as mad after Accordion as I am, a city that houses the legendry Accordion maestro in the name of Shri Enoch Daniels is a great incentive. As if this is not enough, there lives another champion Accordionist Shri Suhaaschandra Kulkarni. Pune is residence to Shri Amit Vaidya; another ace Accordion player. Over more than five years of friendship, I keep talking to Amit about the Accordion and its exponents. When I was talking to Amit while doing a feature on him for this Blog, he dropped a name more than once. He said the artist was someone very senior as well as a reputed one and then asked me, “Haven’t you ever heard about him? He is a professional and comes often to perform in Amdavad.”
But then like everywhere else, even in Amdavad, the programmes are sold by the names of the singers and very rarely by the name of orchestra. The individual instrument players take a back seat. If at all, in the middle of the programme, the compere would fast go through the names of them. So I could not recollect if I had ever heard about or listened to the artist whom Amit had referred to.
It was somewhere in November 2014 that I was teletalking to Shri Gajanan Navathey, yet another very good Accordion player who is residing in Pune. He said, “Are you sure, you haven’t ever heard him or heard about him? But then he is too good to be not known to you”. Now I made up my mind to meet and to listen to the man both, Amit Vaidya and Gajanan Navathey were so fondly referring to, namely Shri Anil Gode.
I requested Gajananji to kindly inform me whenever Anil Gode was to visit Amdavad and so he did within one month. He instructed to me that I should go and meet the artist at Tagore Hall of Amdavad in the evening of the same day. I managed to buy the entry pass for the show and went straight backstage. As I met the man, I could place him instantaneously as the one who used to play Accordion for Melody Makers, an internationally famed orchestra of yester years. This group used to hold shows in Amdavad and I don’t think I missed any of them!
Shri Gode greeted me warmly. As the show was about to begin, we decided to meet during the intermission. That was exactly what we did for nearly 15 minutes. We exchanged our phone numbers and promised each other to keep in touch not only virtually but also physically as and when possible.
For two years however, we kept crossing each other. On his visit to Amdavad, I would be away. Similarly when I would call him prior to my visit to Pune, he would invariably be away! Finally, one fine morning of the last week of this February I received a phone call from Shri Gode, inviting me to attend his one man performance in Pune on 26th of March. I did not want to miss this opportunity and I made sure I did not miss it. I booked my tickets, packed my bags and what happened in Pune, is following below....
I reached Pune on 25th Morning. 26th of March will remain itched deep in my memory as the noon was spent talking with Shri Enoch Daniels and in the evening I got to listen to Shri Anil Gode rendering one gem after another, manoeuvring his Hohner brand Accordion so swiftly. Let us enjoy two of the songs he played over there . One is ‘Zamin se Hame Asamaan Par’ from film Adalat and the other is ‘Aiye Meheraban’ from film Howrah Bridge.
At the end of the programme, he asked me to meet him the next evening at the cultural centre of Pune, ‘Bal Gandharva Natyagruh’. Come the next evening and as I reached the venue quite in time, he was already waiting me with a warm smile. We sat together for almost 100 minutes and talked at length about himself and his Accordion (Not that the two are separable!). Following is the outcome of that interaction.
Question: Tell me about the early years of your life and how did you take fancy over Accordion.
Answer: “I was born on 11th of December 1946 in the city of Pune. I have spent my entire lifetime here. Like a typical Maharashtrian family, mine was essentially a music oriented one. We had an old Harmonium over which I used to try my fingers. In my childhood days, Radio Ceylon (Now Shri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation) was very popular among the lovers of Hindi film music. Every Thursday, between 8.00 – 8.30 am there used to be on air, a programme of film songs being rendered using musical instruments. I used to wait eagerly for that. I would sit before the Radio with our Harmonium and would try to play along with the song being aired. Quite often, one of the songs in that programme would be on Accordion being played by Shri Enoch Daniels, who has been my hero ever since. I fell in love with the instrument and the artist. In the year 1961, a fund raising programme was held where I got to see and listen to Enoch Daniels and Van Shipley ( Famous Hawaiin Guitar Player ) perform live on the stage. I saw the Accordion for the first time then. That was when I made up my mind to become an Accordion player, the first thing in my life. Knowing fully well that the Accoedion was far far out of my reach, I played Harmonium with all my zeal. I started playing Mouth Organ too.”
Question: How and when did Accordion enter the scene?
Answer: “Since I had gained reasonably good command over Harmonium by 1965, I started dreaming of buying Accordion, learning to play it and taking up a career in music. But what went against the idea was the fact that I scored more than 71% in my S.S.C. Board examination (Readers, please note, this happened in 1965.)! This led my parents to get me admitted to Science faculty. Thus my father wanted me to study hard and make a decent academic career. He did not appreciate the idea that his son should take up music as a career. He was of the opinion that music can at the most be acceptable as hobby, not any further. Thus temporarily, project Accordion was put off. Though I was disappointed, I did not lose heart. I kept practicing over Harmonium. I had earned good reputation as I used to play in cultural programmes at College and at University level. Ultimately in 1967, I bought an Accordion from Sharad Moghe, my cousin. My father was not very happy about this but as I started playing the instrument, he understood that Accordion and I were made for each other. He encouraged me to go ahead then.”
“In 1970, I bought a superior(Scandelli Brand)Accordion from a Parsi gentleman. He demanded Rs. 4500/- for it. I had only Rs.3100/- with me. When I told him I was falling short by Rs.1700/-, he put a condition. Said he, “Play this Accordion, you young man! If you will play to my expectation, I will give it to you for the amount you have.” I played right then and he was more than happy! This is how I got a splendid deal and my lifelong association with this wonderful instrument started. Believe me, I am more than enjoying it.”
Question: Where, when and how did you learn the finer points of playing Accordion?
Answer: “Honestly, I have never had what can be said the formal training for this. The keyboard part of Accordion was not much of a problem as I had acquired good command over Harmonium. It was the art of manoeuvring the chord buttons on the bellow which was important. Shri Suhas Nargolkar gave me very useful guidance for that. Over the passage of time, I got acquainted to the art. There have been two gentlemen who have taught me the art of playing music. They are Shri Nandu Belvelkar and Shri Vikas Paranjape. Shri Paranjape also taught me the methodology of writing music notations. Have you heard that joke about a boy who said he could write stories but could not read them? Similarly, I can write notations both, Indian and Western way but by natural instinct I don’t read them I’d rather say I don’t have to read them! I have always played by instinct and intuition.”
Question: When did the stage performances start?
Answer: “I had been performing on stage right from my school days. Even during college, I performed at College, University and State level programmes quite often. I got my first chance to play at a professional show when famous Hawaiian Guitarist Sardar Hazarasinh performed here in Pune. I must have been about 25-26 then. बस, फिर तो अपनी चल पड़ी! The organizers liked me more because not only would I play Accordion, I would also write notations for entire orchestra (with a gleam in his eyes, he added, ‘I won’t write my part’!). I was invited to play with the renowned orchestra of Pune, the Melody Makers. This became a strong association as I travelled a lot, within and out of the Country with this group.”
“As I travelled across the Country, more and more people connected to show biz came to know me. As a result, I started getting calls from reputed show houses. By 1983, I had participated in the programmes of many reputed artists. At that time, I considered having my own show house. I thought that prior to that, I should develop more proficiency over Accordion. I went to U.K. and learnt much more about the art of Accordion playing. I participated in and arranged a couple of stage shows over there. As I came back, I was a much more confident man. The first assignment I got was to arrange the orchestra for Shri Manna Dey’s stage programme. The legendary gentleman was so happy at my services, he made me an integral part of his stage show troupe. The word spread and I got assignments for stage shows of Shri Talat Muhammad and of Shri Kishorkumar."
"I also got a chance to be part of the troupe of Smt.Asha Bhosle that travelled overseas. Ashaji was extremely happy with me. In the year 1999, I got a big chance to arrange the orchestra for the stage show of Shri O.P.Naiyer. At the end, the maestro was ecstatic at my contribution and praised me to no end. He presented me with a Rs.Hundred note, on which he wrote, ‘Anil, you are best arranger of my music'! As luck would have it, a very close friend of mine took that note and never returned it, saying it was lost! I also got to arrange for a stage show by Famous Lakshmikant Pyarelal duo.”
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With Kishore Kumar and Amit Kumar |
Question: When you were doing so good, did not you consider going for a full time professional career? The idea of joining film music industry must have given you a bite!
Answer:” At that stage and at that age, it was only too natural that I was bitten by the idea. But I had already acquired a decent, well paying job with Bank of Maharashtra. The provision of pension was there too. So I decided to have best of both the worlds. Besides, the bosses were very appreciative of my musical prowess. This is how I could enjoy my music as well as financial security without much struggle. I am thankful to my bosses and colleagues at the Bank.”
Question: I know there are some very good Accordion players right here in Pune. How do you rate them?
Answer: “The first and the foremost is Shri Enoch Daniels. Like I said in the beginning, right from my early childhood, I have been in his awe. I don’t have words to tell you how good he is. Then there is Amit Vaidya who is excellent. We also have Chandu Kale and Gajanan Nawathey who are very good too. And yes, there is a young man Sameer Sapre, who is holding great promise. There are some more but I can’t recall names at the moment. Last but not the least; let me add the maestro to the list. Though he did not stay in Pune, I have tremendous respect for (late) Shri Kersi Lord. He knew me personally and encouraged me a lot”
Question: Before we conclude, two very personal questions....
1) A bird cooed in my ears that you can play as many as 1200 film songs instantaneously. Can you, REALLY?
2) Please say a little about your family.
Answer: “(Smiling naughtily)Who has been spreading such exaggerating stories about me? On a serious note, well, with more than fifty years of experience, I’d say I can play about 800-900 songs without prior preparation. And I can play about 100-150 songs with a little practice. (Looking up) It is all his grace (Folds his hands).”
“Answering your second question, at 70 I am a content man, spending retired and peaceful life in the company of my wife Ajita. Adwait, one of our sons is settled in U.S. while Parag, the other one is here in Pune only. They are well settled in their career. I keep myself engaged by still travelling a lot for the programmes and while in Pune, I teach music to genuinely interested few.”
So that was it. A very straight forward and down to earth Anil Gode talked about his lofe and his first love, viz Accordion. He is too modest to be talking about his accomplishments and the recognition he has got. He however shared a photograph of his with Mirco Patarini, the President of world leader Accordion manufacturer compny, Scandelli. He was highly impressed with Anil Gode’s control over the art of Accordion playing.
As it was time to bid Good bye, I wondered if he would agree to me recording him play at least one song. His response was very positive. He said, “But then you DID record a couple of songs in yesterday’s programme, didn’t you? Anyway, if you want, we will do one more.” As luck would have it, he was to fly to Indore for a programme the next day. “I will ask someone to record me playing the song of your choice and will share it with you later.” said he. My Faramaish was for a C. Ramchandra composition from film Naushervan E Adil, ‘Bhul Jaye sare ghum’. Please find below, the same being rendered by this artist, sitting in the suite of an Indore hotel.
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With Mirco Patarini |
That is it. Shri Anil Gode ji, thanks a lot.
Acknowledgement: The Photographs kindly provided by Shri Anil Gode
The Videos are procured from You Tube. These are not to be used for professional interests.
Fabulous Piyush! That is what I can express. Appreciate your persuasion and firm determination to meet the legends and make us feel so.
ReplyDeleteNo words to explin my happiness after reading and listening this. Excellent. Keep on writing more and more like this about such great devotees of music.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely piece ! Thanx, Piyushbhai for introducing us the legendary accordion player. Very interesting information along with live pieces.
ReplyDeleteMuch thanks Piyushbhai. Am eager to shake hands with Anilji. May I know where I can I meet him in Pune? I stay in Sadashiv Peth, Pune. My contact is 988 144 122 9. Thanks again.
ReplyDeletePiyushji I am listening Anil ji . I was searching for Anil ji and got your excellent piece of information.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot
He is a Gem
I don’t have words to explain
Simply Amazing
Piyush Ji, I am working on creating a few songs that are reminiscent of the golden era of late 1950s and early 1960s songs. My sound scape, of course will include accordion. I am trying to find the contact details of Anil Gode Ji, Enoch Daniels Ji, Suhaaschandra Kulkarni Ji & Amit Vidya Ji. It will be great if we can connect and if you can help me get in touch with them. I could not find your contact details as well on the blog. --